AcneHoe lang mag je een infraroodlamp gebruiken? | Liroma - Liroma

How long can you use an infrared lamp? | Liroma

Want to know how long you can safely use an infrared lamp for pain relief, muscle relaxation and blood circulation? Then read our guide with usage tips!

AcneIs een infraroodlamp gezond? | Liroma - Liroma

Is an infrared lamp healthy? | Liroma

Is an infrared lamp healthy? Discover the many benefits of infrared therapy including pain relief, relaxation, stress reduction and more.

AcneEen infraroodlamp kiezen: welke past het beste bij mijn klachten? - Liroma

Choosing an infrared lamp: which one best suits my complaints?

Looking for an infrared lamp for your health problems? This can be difficult! We are happy to help you. Discover the different types of infrared lamps, including NIR, FIR and red light therapy. Cho...

HuidklachtenInfrarood bij huidklachten | Liroma - Liroma

Infrared for skin complaints | Liroma

If you suffer from skin complaints, using an infrared lamp can be an effective way to find relief. View here for each skin condition how infrared helps to reduce complaints.


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