AcneIs een infraroodlamp gezond? | Liroma - Liroma

Is an infrared lamp healthy? | Liroma

Is an infrared lamp healthy? Discover the many benefits of infrared therapy including pain relief, relaxation, stress reduction and more.

InfraroodWat is het verschil tussen een infraroodlamp en TDP (Moxa)-lamp? - Liroma

What is the difference between an infrared lamp and TDP (Moxa) lamp?

Discover the difference between infrared lamps and TDP lamps: fast pain relief and stress reduction vs. intensive healing and energy balance. Read more!"

InfraroodErik over fibromyalgie en infrarood producten - Liroma

Erik about fibromyalgia and infrared products

Erik is a chronic pain patient and has gone through a long search for the right products for his pain complaints. Erik came to us and was so enthusiastic about the infrared products that he wanted ...


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